1. Omelet Recipe (Fill in the Blank).

●     First, chop the onions, chilies, and tomatoes.

●     Next, add he eggs and veggies to a bowl.

●     Then, you will mix the ingredients together.

●     Afterwards, pour the egg mixture into a heated pan.

●     After you fry the egg on one side, flip the omelet.

●     As soon as the egg is cooked through, season the omelet with salt and pepper.

●     Lastly, remove the omelet from the pan and serve on a plate.

(add, after, season, lastly, mix, first, pan)

2. Nasi Goreng (Fill in the Blank).

●     First, chop the onions and garlic.

●     Second, add the chili and garlic to a heated wok.

●     Then, add the onion to the pan.

●     Next, add the chicken and cook until it turns white.

●     Then, mix the rice, soy sauce, and shrimp paste into the wok.

●     Finally, serve and enjoy the meal.

(second, next, chop, serve, wok, add)

3. Chicken Saute (Number the Steps of the Recipe in the Correct Order).

2.   Meanwhile, cut the chicken into cubes.

3.   Then, season the chicken with soy sauce.

1.   Before cooking, preheat the grill on high heat.

6.   In the end, serve the chicken with a side of peanut sauce.

4.   Next, place the chicken pieces onto sticks.

5.   After that, cook the chicken on the grill.

4. Rendang (Number the Steps of the Recipe in the Correct Order).

7.   To finish, add salt or sugar and serve with rice.

2.   Second, heat a large pot on the stove.

4.   Then, add the paste and coconut milk to the pot.

1.  To begin with, chop and blend the ingredients for the spice paste.

5.   Fifth, place the lid on the pot and simmer.

3.   Third, add the spices and beef to the pot.

6.   Next, leave the pot to cook for 2 hours.

5. Chicken Soup (Add Procedure Text to the Recipe Steps).

firsly, wash and cut the vegetables.

secondly, place a pot on the stove.

thirdly, add the chopped vegetables to the pot.

then, add the chicken broth to the pot.

fifthly, let the soup cook for 30 minutes.

next, season the soup and stir the pot.

lastly, serve the soup and enjoy.

6. Gado Gado.

firstly, heat oil in a pan and cooking the tofu.

secondly, boil eggs in a pot for 10 minutes.

thirdly, steam the green beans, carrots, and cabbage.

then, add hot water to the gado gado sauce.

next, stir the sauce until smooth.

afterwards, place the vegetables, tofu, and eggs on a plate.

lastly, pour the gado gado sauce on top and enjoy the meal.

7. Orange Juice (Fill in the steps of the recipe).

●     Firstly, peel the orange fruit. 

●     Secondly, separated into small part.

●     Thirdly, enter the orange fruit into blender.

●     Then, add water into blender and also sugar.

●     Next, turn on the blender and blend into one.

●     As the final step, pour into glass and for garnish you can add mint leaves. Ready to served.


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